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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Music never dies(a poem)

Music never dies,
Music never dies,
It is waking, It is the making,
This is that euphony,
The movementThe inspiration,
This is that rythmic sounds,
The Sword came and washed me,
Music that hast taste, Why you worry?
Music that can never fade,
Music that is the poetic minstrell,
Without this love,
I will fake and never increase,
The awakening glory,
That I made it again,
This crown is upon me,
do not depose,
That I as Iam,
Made that crown fall upon my broken soul,
This is that sound of music,
This is that glory,
Behold I dwell on you,
That with your music,
All the demons run away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gunxshothey nice poem